Wake Up Wilson!
over 2 years ago, Wilson Elementary
Mrs. Johnson’s 3rd Grade class got their Donor’s Choose project fully funded! They got to open and see all of the new things for their classroom! It’s an exciting morning in Johnson 3rd Grade! Thank you to all of our Donors!
over 2 years ago, Wilson Elementary
Picture Retake Day is November 29. *** If you bought and received a pictures and are wanting to do retakes, the picture package MUST be returned to the school! If you want your child to take retakes, please email barnesdl@bps-ok.org, so we know which kids need retakes!
over 2 years ago, Wilson Elementary
Mrs. Holcomb wrote and was awarded a grant from the BPS Foundation! She plans to get some Ozobots for 3rd grade!! They are programmable orb robots! They will be an awesome addition to our 3rd grade and be very beneficial for some STEAM activities! Congratulations, Mrs. Holcomb!
over 2 years ago, Wilson Elementary
We got special permission from the Construction Foreman to do a quick walk through and see the progress made! We are standing in the new office! You guys, it’s going to be beautiful, and awesome, and sooo NICE! We can’t wait for you to see it completed! 🐻💙
over 2 years ago, Wilson Elementary
🇺🇸 Veterans Day Program for Select Choir 🇺🇸
over 2 years ago, Wilson Elementary
Final parent winner! Thank you all for helping with a successful fundraiser! We reached one of our goals and will be throwing pies in Mrs. Bankston face! 🥧
over 2 years ago, Wilson Elementary
Mrs. Neil’s 2nd Grade class has the opportunity to earn “Bruin Bucks” for good behavior, staying on task, and other good choices made. They have the opportunity it’s to cash these in for different prizes. 💲🐻💙 Our friend, Rylie, saved up 50 Bruin Bucks to cash in for the big prize of Swapping Chairs with the Principal for the Day! (She even got a ride back to class!) Congratulations and Way To Go, Rylie! 💙🐻
over 2 years ago, Wilson Elementary
💙 We will have 2 more parent drawings on Wednesday and Thursday!! 💙 🛍️💰 Share, Share, Share for your change to win a $50 shopping spree!! 💰🛍️ http://www.shopfund.com/ 5️⃣ Every 5 shares get 1 entry for a $50 shopping spree in the catalogs! 5️⃣
over 2 years ago, Wilson Elementary
🎃 Fall Party Day! 🎃
over 2 years ago, Wilson Elementary
Congratulations to another winner of our parent drawing in fall cookie dough fundraiser! You won a $50 shopping spree! Coach Whaling will send home the packet with your student and contact you! To enter share emails, or on social media. For every 5 shares you get 1 entry.
over 2 years ago, Wilson Elementary
Fall Parties! School Appropriate Costumes are allowed! No scary costumes, please! NO MASKS, NO FACE PAINT, NO ACCESSORIES! Teachers will send out a Remind or note with party times!
over 2 years ago, Wilson Elementary
💙🐻 October Bruins of the Month! 🐻💙
over 2 years ago, Wilson Elementary
Our Word of the Week is Confidence!
over 2 years ago, Wilson Elementary
Today we had the pleasure of having Mr. McCauley in the building as a sub for one of our Classified Employees! (In case you didn’t know, our Superintendent is AWESOME!)
over 2 years ago, Wilson Elementary
Nonpartisan information on the November 8 election is available from the League of Women Voters of Oklahoma at OKVOTERGUIDE.COM. Like the League, Bartlesville Public Schools does not endorse or oppose any candidates nor take a position on state questions.
over 2 years ago, BPSD
Nonpartisan Voter Guide
Our 4th and 5th graders got to take part in celebrating Chemistry Week! Thanks to Chevron Phillips Chemical and Phillips 66 teams for making that possible and giving back to our schools! 🧪🔬👩🏽‍🔬🧑🏻‍🔬
over 2 years ago, Wilson Elementary
It's 50's Day at Wilson!! Thank you MAPL for putting on the Sock Hop and teaching Fifties Dance Moves! Thank you PTO for providing and making Root Beer Floats for us! Thank you Oldies and Goodies Car Club for bringing some amazing cars to share with the kids!
over 2 years ago, Wilson Elementary
Congratulations to the winner of our first parent drawing in our fall cookie dough fundraiser! You have won a $50 shopping spree! Coach Whaling will send home the packet with your student and be contacting you! We will do another drawing on Friday. To enter share emails, or on social media. For every 5 shares you get 1 entry.
over 2 years ago, Wilson Elementary
Tomorrow (Weds 10/26) is 50s Day! 🐩🎶
over 2 years ago, Wilson Elementary