Scarlett got to visit the book vending machine and pick out a book for her awesome citizenship in class! Great job!!πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ’™πŸ»
8 months ago, Wilson Elementary
Spirit Stick Winners for the week: Mrs. Wyers' Class!! The Spirit Stick is won each week by a different (or could be the same) class for participating and paying attention each day in Wake Up Wilson! Way to go, Bruins! πŸ’™πŸ»πŸ’™
8 months ago, Wilson Elementary
Another token earner! Great job, Jade! πŸ“šβ€οΈ
8 months ago, Wilson Elementary
PTO Coin War is happening now! Winning class gets a Donut Party! 🍩
8 months ago, Wilson Elementary
Lego fun with Mrs. Hight's class! ❀️
8 months ago, Wilson Elementary
Quote of the Week!
8 months ago, Wilson Elementary
More book tokens! Asher earned a vending machine token for being respectful in the classroom! πŸ‘πŸ»β€οΈπŸ“š
8 months ago, Wilson Elementary
When the heat index is 110+ degrees outside πŸ₯΅, we have inside recess! 5th grade enjoyed the ac with some games and Lego wall! They even taught me some chess moves! β™ŸοΈ
8 months ago, Wilson Elementary
Check out some smart 3rd graders working on their rounding skills! ✏️🧠
8 months ago, Wilson Elementary
Some of our Wilson friends were in charge of leading the Pledge of Allegiance at tonight's School Board Meeting! Way to represent Wilson! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ’™πŸ»
9 months ago, Wilson Elementary
Our first ever Spirit Stick Award goes to MRS. CHRISTENSEN'S CLASS for having the most spirit and participation in Wake Up Wilson last week! Each week, during Wake Up Wilson, a class will be chosen to win the Spirit Award by participating in our morning assembly. They will get to display the spirit stick outside of their classroom for the week until a new class is chosen! But wait, there's more... Each teacher gets to sign the stick and the class with the most wins will win a special prize at the end of each 9 weeks and semester! πŸ’™πŸ»πŸ’™
9 months ago, Wilson Elementary
Another student earning tokens for the book vending machine! This year is starting out to be FANTASTIC! πŸ“šβ€οΈ
9 months ago, Wilson Elementary
Already earning tokens for the book vending machine! Way to go! πŸ“šβ€οΈ
9 months ago, Wilson Elementary
πŸ”₯Our first Fire Drill of the year is complete and successful! πŸ”₯ Thank you to our πŸš”SROsπŸš” and πŸš’BFDπŸš’for helping out and supervising! We appreciate you! πŸ»πŸ’™
9 months ago, Wilson Elementary
πŸ“’ 5th Grade Parents: πŸ“’ If your student wants to be in Bruins on the Run, your forms are due TOMORROW! πŸ’™πŸ»πŸ’™ Thank you!
9 months ago, Wilson Elementary
First Wake Up Wilson of the year! This week is Staff Led, but stay tuned to see your kiddos on stage, in a couple weeks, running the show!
9 months ago, Wilson Elementary
If you haven't filled out the Free & Reduced form, you need to do so quickly! Benefits fom last year will be dropped on September 21st and you will begin being charged. You can reach out to Child Nutrition at 918-333-7966 if you need to check the status of your application!
9 months ago, Wilson Elementary
πŸ“šβ€οΈ Lots of First Day Fun! β€οΈπŸ“š
9 months ago, Wilson Elementary
πŸ“’ Meeter Parents! πŸ“’ During dismissal, if you would please find your student's grade level posted on the fence and wait by it until teachers can get students dismissed, we believe it will help us get your child to you faster. Thank you!
9 months ago, Wilson Elementary
Please fill out the Free and Reduced Lunch form to qualify for a free or reduced lunch. Breakfast is free for all students at Wilson, but lunch is not! This app also helps funding for our district. It takes less than 10 minutes! Thank you for your help and support!
9 months ago, Wilson Elementary