Distance Learning

Bartlesville Public Schools successfully managed to maintain in-person classes last week even as many other districts had to transition some or all of their schools to Distance Learning due to COVID-19 infections. This week we too must make some changes due to a shortage of substitute teachers and other school staff. We apologize for the inconvenience.

BHS, Central, Madison in Distance Learning on Tuesday-Friday

Due to districtwide staffing challenges from COVID-19, Bartlesville High School, Central Middle School, and Madison Middle School will be in Distance Learning on Tuesday-Friday, January 18-21, 2022. Students should use their Chromebooks to check Canvas for their day schedule, assignments, etc. We plan to resume in-person classes on Monday, January 24.

Elementary Schools In-Person on Tuesday but in Distance Learning on Wednesday-Friday

The six elementary schools will have in-person classes as usual on Tuesday. Teachers will be distributing Chromebooks for students to take home at the end of the day on Tuesday for use in Distance Learning on Wednesday-Friday, January 19-21. We plan to resume in-person classes on Monday, January 24.

Having the middle and high schools in Distance Learning on Tuesday will free up substitutes and some secondary school staff to help fill in at the elementary schools that day as teachers prepare students and distribute Chromebooks for their transition to Distance Learning.


Free meals for anyone ages 1-18 will be provided via no-contact drive-throughs at Central and Madison middle schools and Jane Phillips elementary school. Starting on Tuesday and continuing until Distance Learning is concluded, breakfast will be available from 8:00-9:30 a.m. and lunch will be available from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The drive-through entrance at Madison will be the drive on the east side of the school off Baylor Drive. The drive-through at Central will operate from the cafeteria building loading dock off Delaware Avenue. 

The YMCA School Age Care plans to be running at Hoover Elementary on Wednesday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Due to staffing limits at this time, registration is only available to families already registered in their before and after care program and BPSD staff (must present BPSD badge at registration). YMCA members: $35/day/child, non-YMCA members $50/day/child. All registration is completed in person at the YMCA at 101 N Osage Ave.

Extracurricular activities such as spectator sports, after-school assemblies, and performances normally continue during Distance Learning periods. Check with event sponsors for specifics.